Dream come true - but not ready to cherish 🙂
I met a talented young MBA student in his final year during a recent coaching session. He’d landed an internship at a prestigious company – a dream come true for him!
But here’s the twist: he felt stressed about starting despite the dream opportunity. He worried about being surrounded by bright minds from other top B schools and not measuring up.
Self-doubt, fear of isolation, and anxieties about managing his emotions in this new environment were weighing on him.
Through coaching, he identified his triggers: needing constant validation, feeling left out, fear of criticism, and even the dynamics with family and friends.
We developed some action steps, including quieting the overthinking, focusing on giving his best and using journaling as a tool.
Are you a young adult facing similar challenges? Maybe it’s something else entirely. Either way, feel free to reach out for a one-on-one session, and let’s work through it together.